

spring is here, which most of you know, but i've been a little slow in updating my blog. however, with spring, comes budbreak and the rebirth of our vines. it's very exciting to see the vineyard come alive again, especially since i pruned some so it's good to see that i didn't kill any vines ;).
it's also been exciting because our new winery for the 2nd label is almost finished being built. i went over last week to help guide kieran move tanks with the forklift. i also witnessed how they actually lift these giant tanks up...
i also took in a a's vs. twins game because it was a special $2 ticket/$1 hot dog night. it's nice to see that even at the colliseum, you can still find yankees haters in the girls restroom. it was a great game made even greater 'cause i got to spend it with my roommate katy and my best friend katie!